Ross Todd

Ross Todd

Workshop over ‘Guided inquiry: A framework for learning through the school library'

Datum woensdag 21 mei 2008
Locatie WTC Rotterdam
Organisator VVBAD, LWSVO, NVB

Op 21 mei 2008 komt Ross Todd naar Rotterdam. Hij is directeur van CISSL, het Centre for International Scholarship in School Libraries aan de Rutgers University in New Brunswick (VS). Ross Todd voerde onderzoek uit naar de meerwaarde van schoolbibliotheken voor het leerproces. Hij is een gerenommeerd spreker die geregeld keynote lectures verzorgt op internationale congressen over schoolbibliotheken. Zo was hij in 2006 te gast op het IASL-congres in Lissabon en gaf hij recent nog een lezing op de ECIS-conferentie in Berlijn (29 februari-2 maart 2008).

Op 21 mei geeft hij een workshop over ‘Guided inquiry: A framework for learning through the school library'. Het programma ziet er als volgt uit:

This program will address:
• What is guided inquiry?
• Philosophical foundations of inquiry learning: constructivist learning
• Research that supports inquiry learning
• Perspectives of classroom teachers, school librarians and students involved in Guided Inquiry
• Designing and implementing inquiry learning through the school library in schools
• Developing working models of guided inquiry for sharing with other professionals
• Establishing partnerships between teachers, librarians, and all of the school community
• Measuring the impact of guided inquiry learning
• Using the results of learning impacts: evidence-based practice

This program would be for:

School librarians and classroom teachers who want to learn and work together to bring about the best learning opportunities for students in information age schools through a guided inquiry framework.

Each participant will come away with:
• An understanding of guided inquiry: philosophy and grounding in learning theory
• A knowledge of the current research in guided inquiry
• Ability to plan an implement guided inquiry learning
• Ability to measure learning outcomes of guided inquiry projects
• Strategies to develop a school community in guided inquiry
• Capacity to train district and regional librarians in guided inquiry
• Prototypes of learning materials and impact measurement instruments


09.15u Ontvangst

10.00u Programma, onderbroken door koffie/thee-pauzes en lunch:

Session 1:

The Leading of Learning Through the School Library: A Guided Inquiry Approach
This sessions will focus on an understanding of current research in relation to constructivist learning; student information seeking and learning in complex and diverse information environments; an understanding of approaches to rethinking and reshaping information literacy education from a constructivist learning framework

Session 2:

Guided Inquiry: A constructivist framework for learning through the School Library
This session will address: what is guided inquiry; outline the constructivist foundations of inquiry learning and Information Search Process (Kuhlthau); designing and implementing inquiry learning in schools with emphasis on instructional exemplars and strategies that focus on transforming information into knowledge

Session 3:

Designing authentic research tasks.

This session will examine a range of authentic research models that move student from stockpiling of facts to deep engagement with research and development of deep knowledge and understanding

Session 4:

Measuring the impact of guided inquiry learning
This session builds on the principles of evidence-based practice to provide a range of strategies and examples of charting learning outcomes through a guided inquiry approach.

17.30u Einde studiedag

Deze sessie wordt georganiseerd door de Nederlandse LWSVO in samenwerking met VVBAD en NVB. Inschrijvingen en betalingen regelt u rechtstreeks met onze Nederlandse collega's. 

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